Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lets Try Again

Life has been crazy lately, but thats expected with a toddler. Trent is also very busy with work and school and I have finally gone back to school Hooray! Yesterday Adalynn turned 13 months. I can't believe how fast time the time has flown! Although she is just getting busier I am loving every minute of it! Her new favorite thing to do is go and find things in the bathroom, cupboard or anywhere and take them to Raymonds dog bed and play in it. I think my daughter thinks she is a dog and the dog thinks he is human. She has learned to sign more, please and yes although her yes looks like a sloppy wave. She also is starting to say a few words including banana, Raymond and amen.

Tomorrow Trent and I celebrate our third year anniversary. I can't believe that three years have already gone by. We have sure learned a lot! To celebrate we are heading up to Park City to hit the outlets as well as the Alpine Slide and the Zip Line. We are excited!

1 comment:

Courtney J said...

Hello fellow blogger!